The Rose Paterson Trust has been founded in honour of Rose, who took her own life in June 2020.
Her death has made the world an infinitely worse place, but perhaps through our work, her story can be a source of inspiration and hope one day.
She was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and sister, amongst many other things. She was kind and gentle. Animals were instinctively drawn to her. She was charming and beautiful. She was amazingly well-read. She was loved.
Her outward achievements are too many to list in full, but to celebrate just a few: she was Chairman of the world’s greatest racecourse, she was a trustee of many charities, she was a school governor, she was an art connoisseur, she once rode 1000 km across Mongolia eating only coffee granules and sugar.
Despite all of this, we now know that Rose was deeply troubled, to a degree that we could never have imagined. Behind the scenes of what was on many levels a happy, fulfilling life, she was struggling to cope and desperately needed help. Tragically, she felt she couldn't ask for that help, and no-one even knew she needed it.
The Rose Paterson Trust aims to support those in need through fundraising and policy change. It has been born out of the immense pride Rose’s family have in her and the depth of their despair at facing life without her.
We just want to make her proud.

To support the organisations and individuals combatting the suicide epidemic.
If we can help save just one family from the agony of suicide, this initiative will have been worth it.
At this point, we are a fundraising organisation with limited human resource to directly support those in need of support.
If you are suffering or worried about someone else, please seek help. Support is available right now if you need it. We can recommend all of the following charities: